+91-9910356622, +91-9811204536

Artistic Classes

Future Pearls, Punjabi Bagh, is the right choice for learning sketch & arts.

The value of art class goes far beyond helping children develop their skills with painting or sculpture. As kids learn to be artists, they are developing life skills that will help prepare them for their future — whether they become professional artists or not.

When kids start a work of art it's fun and engaging but sometimes they have the opportunity to consider just how to bring that person to life. By asking students questions and encouraging more of a discussion they can begin to see all the possibilities they have in creating.

Just like in a story, art is more powerful when viewers feel they connect with the people and concepts within it. Young children are natural storytellers and art gives them a method of telling a story without using words. As students become older they can discover and grow art as a way to share their own story and develop their own lexicon that maybe only they understand completely, it can be liberating and exciting for a middle school student to feel like they have their own secret non-verbal language.

At Future Pearls, we believe that every child has the potential to be an artist—all they need to do is find what works for them. Our program is focused on giving students many different experiences with art so they find a medium and process they connect with. We also focus on helping students understand that there’s skill involved. If they find a medium that they enjoy and practice it, they’ll improve.

Future Pearls Advantages : Small Class Size, Individual Attention, Regular Tests, Daily Interaction Between Teachers and Students, Congenial Atmosphere, No Burden, Mind Exercise, Parents Feedback, Regular Appraisals, Championships, Recognition and Awards.

 +91-11-45644140, +91-9811204536